Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm all bright eyed

Today I feel so much better then I did yesterday. I think it's because I took my boss' advice yesterday. I simply went home and relaxed. Didn't do anything that someone else wanted me to do. I spent time with just me. Listened to the music I wanted to. Didn't really watch tv. Played on gaia which I really hadn't been able to do. I just felt so much better. This morning I had a great leg workout. I mean I felt like I was really working the legs. I think it's because of the combination of exercises I did. Stretching out the hamstrings, then doing the leg press, then doing squats. Then work on the calfs, then quads, and finally hams again. If only my workouts for the other body parts were going that great. I've also lost weight I think that's mainly because of stress. Stress makes other people gain weight. Makes me lose it. That and it's probably because I'm doing a liver cleanse. I'm off my post cycle therapy so I'm just doing a liver cleanse. Pretty sure I'll be gaining it back now. I better too. I've got 17 days to gain back 3 lbs to be at where I was. In that time I'll be trying a new intra workout. Size on pre-contest. If it works like it's suppose to I should see great results without all the bloat. I think the main reason is because the creatine really isn't getting into the system because of lack of carbs in the product. Anyway we'll see if it works. My Xpand is almost done which means I can go to Beta Nox which is a pre-workout without creatine so I won't be overloading my system with creatine.
Which reminds me. When I was at the gym yesterday I saw an infomerical for a product called Sasa or Samba or something with an S and an A. Anyway it's this product that promises you'll lose weight without changing your diet or exercising. Great another product that rewards laziness. It's a product you sprinkle on your food. It's suppose to trick the brain into thinking your full when your not. In other words is a calorie restricting diet. The annoying part is I bet that stuff only lasts a month. So you have to buy more every month. In it they are making calorie counting out to be a bad thing. Yeah at first it's hard, but eventually it becomes second nature. I known a guy who's done it for 5 years. He said yeah at first it's hard, but eventually you know the right portion size and you don't have to look everything up. So he's set for life really. He knows how many calories he can have in a day and he's good. As for exercise, it's been proven to help people feel better. At least with the P90x and Total gym they are promoting exercise. Now it's not as good as a gym in the sense that you don't have as much selection. Plus free weights help more because they use more muscle groups then a machine. Plus when you make your own exercise program you feel so great about your results because you did it all on your own. Anyway it just annoys me that everyone is looking for an easy way out that they will eventually stop using.
At the gym the song Love Game by Lady Gaga was playing. Now I'm personally not a Lady Gaga fan, but the reason why this song really stuck with me is because it reminds me of SMA. Sailor Venus' new transformation song is this song. Which makes sense especially if you've seen SMA. Anyway so that's why it really stuck with me and is still in my head. So enjoy. Today's tip is the next time someone says to you, "you are what you eat", simply remind them that you are human.

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