Monday, November 29, 2010

Work again

Yesterday I had to work again. I'm so glad I didn't have to stay to closing. By about 8 like 5 people were in the store and by 9, 1 person. One person was in the store for 6 employees. The store is open until 11. All that is doing is wasting money. No one is going to start shopping that late until closer to Christmas like the week of. If even that. I know if my manager was there he would say hey want to go home early. I would gladly go home early.
The other thing I saw yesterday was that creepy old guy again. The one that always says he worked out at gold's gym in California and what not. He has seriously gone from just annoying to creepy. Saturday he came in and I just tried to avoid him. He came in again yesterday. Well it got me thinking. He only comes into my main job whenever someone else is there and he always tries to talk to them. Especially if they are teens. There were two teens that came in to get a pre-workout and he says to them oh that's good stuff. I used that when I was working out at Gold's gym 25 years ago. Well that's kinda impossible since it was created in 2008. Kinda hard to have had it 25 years ago. Anyway back to yesterday. He's walking around with a bag of stuff he clearly already purchased. Then he just walks around the store. He finally settles in the toy department. Now if I was a parent and I see this old guy, with a bag of stuff that looks like it's already been purchased I'm thinking 2 things. One this guy is a shop lifter or 2 this guy is a pedophile. Now I did see him leaving with some toys, but still that doesn't take away the creepiness of it. Plus he says he has a wife so why doesn't he ever shop with her. Why is he always hanging out in the mall? I mean think about it. Are you seriously holiday shopping everyday at the same mall? Especially when you have to ride the bus. Yeah it's creepy.
Awhile ago I posted the opening video for the new season of digimon. Well this is a video that shows what exactly is going on. As the opening kinda implied the digimon don't digivolve like in previous seasons. They fuse together. This one shows that fusing plus actually has a little battle going on. Don't worry it is subtitled. Enjoy. Today's tip is there are many ways to not look like a pedophile. Hanging out in the toy section with a bag of stuff you purchased is not one of them.

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