Friday, November 19, 2010


Today I went to the gym and the manager and one of the trainers were the only people there. Oh crap. So that meant I had to workout with them. I will say there is something I noticed about the manager (who is a certified personal trainer). He goes too heavy. He goes so heavy that he grunts every time he does one rep. I'm not saying that you can't grunt when you working out, but only as your pushing for those last one or two reps. Not every single rep. Plus he was clearly not able to control the weights. He was using the cable machine to do the kickbacks. He had it fat like 200lbs and he was struggling so hard and he couldn't put it down in a controlled way. He honestly looked like he was 2 seconds away from hurting himself. One thing that a lot of guys think is they have to do these super heavy weights to build muscle. No it's all about muscle fatigue. If you lift at a lighter weight where you have more control you're going to work the muscle better. Yes you have to do a few more reps to hit that muscle fatigue, but it's better then worrying that your going to hurt yourself. Now granted I think he's training for strength not muscle growth. They really are two different ways to train. I don't train for strength. I think it leads to injury. Plus have you seen a lot of power lifters. Yeah they are strong, but most of them look like they are super fat and that is not what I want.
That actually is a good transition into my next topic. Who in the world looks the same after 15 years. Everyone changes in a 15 year interval. Well apparently one guy expects us to believe he has the exact same body he had 15 years ago. He wants people to believe that he has the same body at 50 as he did at 35. Some of you probably know exactly who I'm talking about. Well look at the picture. He honestly looks like his stomach was air brushed. Honestly it looks like a photo he took around the age of 35 and just says he's 50 when he took it. He wants us to believe he is in bodybuilding shape. It's clearly a scam. If you look at his arms in the "50" picture then look at one where he's wearing a shirt you can tell they aren't the same arms. It's just impossible to have the exact same shape at 50 as you did at 35 unless you are taking something like testosterone booster shots or some steroids. I mean come on. Be critical of everything you see, especially when it comes to supplements and bodybuilding.
Today's tip is just because you can kick that cop in the crotch doesn't mean you should. Though that does take balls.

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