Friday, November 12, 2010

Still thinking about it

I'm still thinking about the He Say, She Say mess. Mainly because tomorrow is the day I confront it. I'm just nervous about the outcome. I'm most likely making way too much out of it. The worse thing that could happen is we lose this guy as an employee. I'd like to hope that my honesty will be a great thing. Just hope things aren't awkward between us. Supposedly he has something to tell my boss about me and customers. What it could basically be is his buddies just don't like me. They still view me as the new guy and what I suggest doesn't mean nearly as much as if it came from him or my boss. It's probably why his Saturday sales are so high. So I just have to wait to see what's up. It really could be that his wife made a mountain out of a mole hill to try to hurt my boss because she was mad at him. Won't know until tomorrow.
Plus I have to work again tomorrow. 4 hours there really seems to go super slow. Probably because I really don't know what to do. It's a job with so many things I have to do. Really feels like 95% of the time I'm just randomly walking around waiting for something to do. I just hate not really having my job written out for me. That's the job I have now. I know I'm suppose to order things, and label things, and help customers. I was shown all that stuff. With this new job they show me everything and I'm expected to remember it all.
As for the gym it was another eye opener. The gym manager again was training the woman he was training on Tuesday. This time they actually worked out instead of talking. My workout buddy pointed out that he was working her out like a guy. Yeah he really has been. What shocks me is if you look at all the trainers including the manager you have to think that you would find a better trainer for a woman. Like the woman trainer. I mean two look like they are all about bulking up and the other two look like toning. Just one of those things I notice. Plus what the hell is it with trainers and not wiping machines and benches after their client is finished with it. That's just gross.
this video made me truly laugh out loud. It's an interview with a couple about sex. Just watch it. And trust me it doesn't end the way you'd think it would. Today's tip is you can't change people anymore then you could force a turtle to change shells. You can poke them with a stick until they flip over though.

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