Sunday, November 21, 2010

Going to be a long one

Today I can tell is just going to be a long day. Last night I woke up to find myself having a nose bleed. Lucky for me it didn't last too long. Unlucky for me, my roommate is both a light sleeper and has a room next to the bathroom. So I got questioned about that. Always embarrassing telling people that you ran to the bathroom because you had a nose bleed.
Then this morning I did my stomach workout. Seemed like I had a pretty good workout. Then I suddenly started feeling really weird. Like really hot and somewhat sick to my stomach. Hard to explain. So I'm like crap that's all I need is to be sick while spending 4 hours standing. Well lucky for me the feeling has gone away.
I also did grocery shopping today. I must say it was nice to get in there early and not have to deal with all the people. Anyway I get to the checkout and of course they have all those tabloid magazines. Well one caught my attention. It said Palin outraged by Willow's pregnancy surprise. I found that very funny. If that was true (which I doubt) then I think that would really be the final nail in Palin's political coffin. Yes it was kinda easy to brush off the first one since Bristol wasn't a minor and at the time was planning on getting married. If Willow is pregnant then there is really no way to defend that. It just proves she's so busy worrying about everyone else's family that she can't even pay attention to her own. But like I said I doubt it's true.
This is also the big game between the Vikings and Packers. Now this is a big game for several reasons. 1. this could be the game that keeps the Packers tied for number 1 if they win. 2. If the Vikings lose someone is for sure going to be benched. Honestly I want the Vikings to lose. Just because it goes to prove that 1 player does not a team make. Driving down and giving a player special treatment won't make your team magically good.
Alright if you are squimish do not watch this clip. If you are a parent then make sure your kids watch this. This is one of the main reasons why it is stupid to bull fight. The worst possible thing happens in this video. I'm not going to ruin it so just watch. Today's tip is don't bite the hand that feeds you. Unless that hand is made of chocolate because that's just asking to be bit.

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