Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Now the aftermath

The election is over and now comes the aftermath. Yes there will be major aftermath. I don't know why voters thought that putting more republicans in was going to fix anything. They have been the party of no for 2 years now. Now there are more of them which means that government is going to stall. I can't imagine anything getting done. The republicans of the house are going to be spending all their time trying to get Obama impeached. Rand Paul is going on about that. Saying he is going to try to get Obama up on treason charges. Ok first off that is incredibly hard to prove. Especially if its the president of the United States. There is criteria for that. Unless Paul has proof that Obama has sold out the country in a way that put us in danger then it's just wasting tax payers money. Plus all these Tea party people have been going on about cutting government spending and what not. Well pretty soon the debt limit will be hit and unless congress agrees to increase it a lot of economies are going to go down the toilet. America has not once defaulted on it's debt. A lot of countries are praying we don't start now. The next two years is going to be a struggle on everything. Hope all of you that voted red are aware of that.
Ok I just have to mention this. It's too stupid not to mention. Christine O'Donnell lost. Big shocker there. Well in her concession she said she won. Yeah I don't think she understands the difference between winning and losing. She said the people have spoken. They want Chris Coons to do this this and this. She had a long list. Umm... Christine if the people wanted all those things then wouldn't they have voted you in? Why do you suddenly think you speak for the people when the people spoke and said they didn't want you? Christine O'Donnell is the classic example of someone from the Tea Party. They start off great mainly because they aren't getting much attention until they actually become a legit candidate. Then they get cocky riding the success and think they can say anything. Then they go down and start saying more and more crazy things. Then they lose. That's typically what happens. The Tea Party people that win are those that pretty much keep their mouth shut. They only give sound bites in their ads. Well here comes the aftermath.
Speaking of aftermath what about the Vikings. I'm still loving what's going on with them. Mainly because it was one of those things they brought upon themselves. Childress sent players down to Mississippi to get Farve to play. He drove him to training camp. Fans were saying "Farve come back". Everyone was going on about how the Vikings have a real shot at playoffs. The Vikings aquire Randy Moss and everyone was saying the Vikings have a real Superbowl team. Now look at them. Farve is getting banged up worse and worse every game. They just let Moss go. After they spent all that time and money getting him. Yep just more aftermath.
Today's tip is you clearly don't know the difference between winning and losing when you say "we won" in your concession speech.

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