Saturday, November 6, 2010

Quick blog

This is just a quick blog post. Today I was training on the cash register. So much better then working on the floor. Last night when I was doing my "training" I don't think I really learned anything new. The cashier people were so much better at training. They go over everything. By the time you go through yourself you at least have some confidence in your abilities to help people. I'm dreading going in next Wednesday because I have no clue what I'm doing. All I know how to do is returns. That's it. I think that's my job honestly. They show me so many things at once then never go over it again. My main job really seems like it's sink or swim. Just try to help people and not be in the way. So much junk. Not sure I'm going to keep working there after my 90 days.
No squiby today. Awww. Today's tip is fear and hate are learned responses not instincts. Thus proving that not everything you learn is a good thing.

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