Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Is it really worth it?

I was just surfing the youtube and I found this video.

I'm sure many of you have probably seen this guy floating around the internet. His name is Rodrigo Ferraz. I'm sure you also noticed something is very off about him. Well I did my research (google) and found that there are two theories going around. One is that this guy got implants. Now I can say I can believe that. If you look at his traps you can see they just don't match up with his shoulders. It's just not right. Then you look at his arms. They also don't look right. Look too small. This his shoulders look like they are far too hard. Well the other theory is that he injects oil into his muscles to make them look fuller. This one is also believable. Again look at the shoulders. It's probably a combo of the two. What I don't get is why? Why would you do that to your body. It already looks off now. Wait about 10 years and it will look really off. Plus he has got himself believing that he's some hot shot. Like he is stronger then the world. He pans to all these proteins that we are suppose to believe he takes. At least someone that takes steroids has to take protein as well and we all can believe they take a protein, but this guy no. I'd like to see him in the gym. Notice he has no videos of that. I saw another video where he couldn't pull himself out of a pool of what looked like yogurt. Super strong my ass. The really sad thing is that this guy isn't the only one doing this to himself. Check this video out.

Again all I can say is why? This dude looks so disfigured. Even resting his arms look like they are being flexed. Did he get that way naturally hell no. He injected oil into his arm. Hey I want to get bigger arms as much as the next guy, but why risk my health for something that anyone can pick out of a lineup and say oh that guy clearly did something. It's this big fad in Brazil. Just ugh. Oh and I'm not done grossing you out yet.

The real kicker is that none of these guys are any stronger then when they didn't inject themselves. It's a purely cosmetic thing. Plus why is it always in the arms. At least go for some symmetry. I mean the first guy has no forearm build what so ever and we are suppose to believe he has biceps like that naturally. But again my main question is why? Why disfigure yourself so badly. Why put your body in that much harm. Least guys that do steroids look somewhat symmetrical. You just got to feel sorry for those people. To feel so badly about the way you look that you inject oil into your muscles and blow them out of proportion just to get attention. Even if it's negative. Wow just wow.
Well after all that grossness it's time to cleanse your eye pallet. I'm sure you've heard the FCC song from Family Guy. The song that the FCC actually thinks is pretty funny. I learned that little fact during a family guy special. Anyway I think it's one of their funnier songs. So this should make your eyes feel better. Today's tip is today is the first of december and we all know what that means. 30 more days until the 2012 people begin a massive freak out.

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