Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day

Which means several things. 1. No more of those god damn attack ads. Ugh those things are so annoying. Everyone has reached their saturation point. 2. We won't know for a couple days who really won so there will be a lot of speculation going on. 3. A lot of money might be thrown around for recounts. Oh joy. I'm really not happy about this election season. Mainly because this is just a taste of what's going to be happening 2 years from now with the presidential election. I mean these ads that aren't even sponsored by the candidates. Ones that just flat out lie and no one does anything about it. Or the fact that they do things that are clearly against common sense. Arg just want it over.
The gym today was a real zoo. I get in there and I see three cars. One was for a student at the local university that is always in the shower by the time I get there and comes out midway through my workout. The other was for an older lady that was on the treadmill. The other I thought was the gym manager's car, but it was actually a guy I've seen before. The one that runs (no offense) like a girl. Well as I'm taking off my coat and getting my stuff out these 4 guys show up. I'm like crap not today when I need to do my chest workout. The annoying part is that only 2 of the guys were actually members of the gym. I go to one of those 24 hour gyms where you get a key card. Well only two of them had a key card. The other guys signed into the guest book. Now here is the thing about my gym. A key swipe is only for one person. If two people come in it beeps. Plus it's a fine. If it happens enough times you lose your membership. The gym manager should have gone over that with them. Guest can only come in during staffed hours or come in and ask to get a 30 day pass and a key card. Anyway I had to rush through my warm up. Mainly because defrosting the car took forever. And I wanted to get to the back before they did. Well they actually stayed out of my way pretty much lucky for me. The annoying thing is that once I was ready to leave they were leaving too. Arg....
So Randy Moss is no longer a Viking. This makes me laugh for so many reasons. Ok mainly two. 1. that Farve pulled so many strings (a.k.a. whined a lot) to get the Vikings to get Moss. Now he's going. 2. Farve didn't have enough swing anymore to keep him around. Remember when everyone said now that Farve and Moss are working together the Vikings are going to the Superbowl. IN YOUR FACE! Goes to show that no one is guaranteed to get to the Superbowl. No matter who you have or don't have. Looks like all Farve has to look forward to is his record. Mainly because we know Childress will never stop Farve from starting because he knows that record will keep people watching. The NFL won't suspend him because he keeps people watching. So the only way Farve won't get that record is if he literally has an inability to walk, or raise his arm up to throw. And even then he'd start then they'd pull him. I guess he'd have to be in a coma to not start. Or in a caste. Yeah a caste should stop him from playing. Oh well. Hope it's worth the years of pain he'll have in retirement after this season because he will be in so much pain from pushing his body this hard.
Today's video is the song Koi wa Nan Darou. It's a song from the episode Mermaid Melody. This is Luchia's big song. The funny thing about it is, whenever I'm leaving the gym and it's playing I actually forget I still have my mp3 player going and my earphones in. It happened again today so I figured I'd post it. Today's tip is today is election day. That means if you don't go vote you lose your right to complain about the outcome.

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