Friday, November 26, 2010

Little sleep tonight

So I had to work yesterday and got to go home early. Mainly because I don't think they really thought the schedule through. There were like 5 of us on the floor by 2:30 and all the shoppers left to go eat about 1ish. So that meant no one had anything to do so I got to go home. Tonight we'll probably need that many people to clean everything up. In all honesty I'm sure we'll be done long before closing and we won't see very many people from like 8-11. Then got to get up early tomorrow for another 10:15-4 shift. Plus I have to remember to check next weeks schedule. Yep it's going to be a long one.
Not much happened yesterday for me besides working. Customers were really good. So yeah it was pretty meh.
At the gym I got lucky. There was just me and another guy. One of two things was going to happen. Everyone was going to say oh man I need to work off that Thanksgiving dinner so they go to the gym or everyone says I need to get in on those Black Friday deals so they said skip the gym. Looks like most took the 2nd option which is fine by me. The other guy that came in was the guy that comes to the gym with his hair slicked back. He still refuses to wipe the machines. The weird thing is he asked me where was my boss. Well my boss works out around the same time I do on occasion. I said I don't know. So that got me thinking. Does he shop the store? Should I know him? So I'll have to ask my boss when I see him. The thing is he's terrible with matching names since he sees so many people from time to time.
Today's tip is remember that shopping makes people crazy. Be careful when going out before 1.

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