Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Having troubles again

Having those same troubles with my sense of right and wrong. I think I see things more black and white instead of gray like I'd like to admit. Or maybe it's because I'm so cynical. I was watching Eye for an Eye (which was probably my problem right there). The case was that a surrogate mother was suing for custody of the child. Apparently she had a contract where if the parents couldn't pay she got custody of the child. Now here is where I have the hang up. 1st off you shouldn't hire a surrogate if you can't afford the service. Plus read the contract. Now the case ended with the parents keeping the child because the judge found it in the best interest of the child. Plus he stopped them from having to pay her. Like I said I have a hang up here. Yes the surrogate would have been a terrible mother, and apparently she was just going to sell the child, but I didn't like how everything went down. First off he had the surrogate leave the room then tell the parents to trust him. He then has them give up the baby and the surrogate happens to say I have a family willing to pay double for this child. Ok like that would happen in real life. Like someone is going to admit on national T.V. they are selling a child. 2ndly the parents got a service for free. Not just any service, but a baby for free. Just annoys me that they got to stop paying. If you can't afford a surrogate how the hell can you afford a child?
Speaking of annoying decision a guy in Connecticut is suing the parents of a child that died because of him. What happened was a 14 year old boy rides his bike and gets hit by a car going at 80 mph. The man was convicted of murder and sentenced to 10 years. Well the parents also are suing him civilly and he had the nerve to counter sue. It was for emotional distress and saying it was all their fault since the child didn't have a helmet on. He's suing for $15,000. Wow do you just have no conscience. A child died because you were going 80 mph in a 45 mph zone. You have several prior convictions of DWI. In civil court you don't have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. You can use a person's prior criminal record on your behalf. Now yeah you can say in your defense the child should have been wearing a helmet and you were being negligent as a defense to lower what they could get, but you can't sue for it. Some people truly are terrible people.
I must say since I've moved to Wisconsin I've never seen so many people willing to put themselves in harms way. Never would you see someone in Texas running or walking against traffic. Not only that, but they would be on the sidewalk. I think I mentioned yesterday there were two walkers running against traffic. Not only that, but in the street in the dark meaning there are headlights coming at them. There was a sidewalk. Why people jog in the street is beyond me. Plus they were in the bike lane. If a bike came by the bike has the right of way not the pedestrians. The other day I was driving down the street and this woman was in the street with her cane. Now the street is a very narrow street plus people park on the street. A bus was coming at me so I had to get over. She starts shaking her cane at me like I'm out of my mind for being on that side. If she had opened her eyes she would have seen a bus coming and that their was a sidewalk. Ugh I swear Wisconsinites can be some of the stupidest people when it comes to being on the road. Not as bad as Iowans, but still bad.
Toyota is also back in the hot seat. Apparently yet again their was a crash involving an accelerator pedal sticking. Customers are also complaining that the problems still exist after they get their car serviced for the recall. See I'd like to point out that none of the American car companies are having this problem. All this talk Toyota does about safety is just to sell cars. If they really cared about safety this recall wouldn't have been so big and problem would have been fixed. They are now talking about Toyota gives you full service coverage for 2 years. Yeah because if they didn't you'd pay millions trying to get your car fixed. Plus I'm sure there is a cap in there too. This is why I'm aiming for American cars only. They have a bigger pressure to not blow it. Unlike Toyota. They just view it as oh we got American money and if the cars suck oh well not like we are on their roads. This is why you need to buy American.
Today's tip is expecting a company to learn from its mistakes instead of throwing money at it is like expecting a baby not to cry.

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