Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yep...just letting time run out

Yeah just going to let my 90 days run out at my 2nd job. It really is just not a good job for me. There is too much on the job training and not enough people to really try to train you. Ugh just not worth it for getting paid minimum wage. Plus I'm working 10 hours a week basically. Well 8-10. So not worth it. Plus clearly they don't listen to me. I told my manager I can't work on weekdays before 6 and of course I have to work at 3 on Monday. Not just at 3, but 3-10. That's 7 hours.
Oh and that He Say, She Say mess ending like I figured it would. Well hoped it would. The wife made a mountain out of a mole hill to get under my boss' skin to get revenge on him. My co-worker also wasn't shocked that we talked to him about it. Just really annoying that it really could have been avoided if he had told me and my boss one little fact. Yeah great.
Today's tip is anything you say can and will be used against you. Especially if you are talking to a smartass.

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