Monday, November 15, 2010

300th post boo ya

That's right today's post is my 300th post. Granted this one should have happened probably a week ago if I posted regularly. Anyway I love posted. I really think it keeps me from going insane and pointing out red flags for myself. Plus like I said before when I see something that's unfair or unjust and I can't fix it, I get really frustrated. At least this way I get people thinking about it. It may get it fixed in a round about way.
Speaking of getting things fix we need to fix Obama. The country truly needs campaign Obama. The one who promised us changed and would do whatever he could to fix it. Well presidential Obama keeps giving in. The fact that the republicans took over the house does not mean all hope is lost. He has the biggest microphone of all. If he would point out what the republicans are doing people would have a more favorable impression of him. People liked him because he talked to them. Didn't talk down to them. He needs to do that again. If the republicans want to keep the tax cuts going for the richest 2% then he needs to go out and talk about it. Say hey everyone my opponents want to keep those tax cuts for the richest 2%. Well I'm looking out for the 98% of you. Not only that want to know what one of these people would be paying in taxes without a tax cut. Then explain how long it would take to lower the deficit with that one person. Then say now imagine if everyone that makes that much or more paid their fair of taxes. He really does need to talk to us the people. Every time the republicans bring up something about unemployment or social security point it out. But if he just gives in in 2 years he will be eaten alive for sure. Wish he would grow a pair and be campaign Obama once more.
Well looks like the Vikings are having just a bit of problems. I didn't get to see the game because I was working, but I saw that the Vikings were down 3-7 then a little later I saw they were down 14-21 I believe. Well sounds like Farve truly is having second thoughts about coming back. Didn't I call that? Didn't I say that if the Vikings started to go down he would say that it wasn't a good decision. Pretty soon I'm sure he will say it's all Childress' fault for bringing him back. The players are really turning on him too. I really wonder what's going to happen this Sunday. Not only do the Vikings face the Packers, but the Packers had a bye on Sunday. That means the Packers are fresh. Plus how the Vikings are blowing up on each other I wonder how they will play. Sounds like the players don't like Childress which doesn't help them. I really wonder. Good luck Vikings.
Today instead of a tip I got some sarcasm for you. I saw this today on the way to the gym. running against traffic when it's dark out is a great way to be blinded by headlights. I'm sure nothing bad would happen then.

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