Monday, November 1, 2010

About to get my rant on

So I finally have something I can rant about. Yay. I'll start with the always fun to rant about Brett Farve. As anyone that watched the Vikings game knows Farve started. If you were shocked by this then well you were probably also shocked that farved texted he might retire then changed his mind. The other shocker is the fact he wasn't limping. Let's see how bad was his injury again? Something about a fractured ankle. Yet he's walking on it normally. Yeah you get where I'm going with this. Another thing I'm sure you noticed is a lot of hand offs. Yeah that's because Brett knows if he goes back to throw it there is a good chance he's going to get hit. When he gets hit he gets hurt. Last night was no different. He finally walked off the field. I think honestly Farve would benefit from a suspension. Here is what I mean. He said it himself that he doesn't recover like he use to. This getting tackled every week is not helping him recover any. He's now starting to become a handicap to the Vikings. Least if he's suspended the head coach doesn't look bad. He just simply says oh it's out of my hands. Farve doesn't let down anymore of his fans. He can say oh I have to do what the league tells me. Too bad we know it's not going to happen. What is going to happen is Farve is going to keep starting no matter how bad he's hurt to get the record. Once he does don't be shocked if he suddenly isn't starting anymore. Or if the league finally suspends him. The NFL wants to keep Farve playing because they know he keeps people watching. If you'll recall they said they would be closing the investigation last week. Still haven't heard any punishment yet. Well if he wants to keep punishing himself by getting tackled by 20 and 30 somethings then go for it. The only person it will truly hurt in the end is him.
In Texas a mom is throwing a hissy fit because her son wasn't in the class photo. I say it's a hissy fit because she signed a no media coverage form. That means her child can not be in anything that goes out. That means can't be in the newsletter, yearbook, can't be interviewed for the news, etc. So that means that the child can't be in the class photo because it gets used in the yearbook. The mom is going on this rant saying the form is too long and too confusing. She didn't think that signing that meant the child can't be in the class photo. Well hello you said your child can't be in the media. The media includes the yearbook and the class photo gets used in the yearbook. So deal with it. She's demanding that they change the registration form Even if you change it, it's not going to change the fact that you said your child can't be in the media. Maybe they should have explained that in the form, but still it's your fault. I'm sure the form gives examples of what the district calls "media". That's what happens when you get these parents that want everything without giving up something.
Today's tip is if you have monkeys jumping on your bed then you need better locks and/or stop bringing work home with you.

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