Thursday, November 11, 2010

Another long one

Yesterday I started work at 2ish and finished at 10. That's an 8 hour day. Yeah that's sometimes a normal day for me, but the thing is I was on my feet 4 of those 8 hours none stop. Plus it was getting late. I'm usually in bed by 9. So I'm already an hour late. Plus I always get up at 6 so I can workout. I even had to walk all around the building to get to my car because I left everything locked up at my first job and everything was locked up. It was just a long day. Could barely get up to workout today.
So time for the workout log. Despite being tired I think I had a good workout. Upped all my weights except for on one thing. I really think everything looks tighter. It looks like honestly I've loss body fat. Like my skin hugs the muscle more. My weight seems to be the same though. Really does make me think my pct put water weight on me. So I'll find out in 2 weeks when I get remeasured what's going on. Really hoping that it's more muscle. Really hoping the Size-on is doing what it says. All muscle and no bloat. If it works we bring it into the store if not.....oh well.
Today we are sticking with the Yu-Gi-Oh abridged series. This time it's back to the original series. This time Joey is facing a tough legal battle. All I can say is... What would Tristan do? Yes that is a joke that if you watch the clip will make sense. Today's tip is life is always moving. Waiting on a specific moment or event could cause you to miss something great.

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