Thursday, November 4, 2010

Turning into one of those days

You know the type of day when you just think you know what I'm going home. Or you know what the next person to piss me off is getting an earful. I have just been busy all day. The pre-workout I tried this morning I don't think agreed with me. My stomach has been acting weird since then. I had a huge deposit to do all by myself. By the time I get it done I have a huge shipment that comes in. I just finished most of it. I need a break to snack. Had customer after customer in. Plus there is a chance that the mall will be bought by someone and torn down meaning I'm out of a job. Both of them. Plus this new job has me so stressed out. Just not going my way today.
Honestly I think as winter draws closer I'm going into a depression. You know the seasonal blues. Winter never agrees with me. So I'm probably going to need to start up on my herbal anti-depressant soon. I'll probably feel back to my old self if I do that. Seems like it helps with my stress and anxiety. It's mainly because of the election I'm sure. I'm a libra which means I have a strong sense of what's right and wrong. A lot of what went on this election season was wrong. Lies were flying everywhere. It's why I couldn't watch it anymore. So maybe if I get this job under my belt more and everyone would stop focusing on the election I might feel better.
Today I just need a good laugh and it just so happens that Team Four Star has a new epsiode out. Sad part it felt rushed. Not nearly as fun as the last episode. Oh well enjoy. Today's tip is if you think you're a patient person spend one day with a group of senior citizens. You'll find out how wrong you are.

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