Sunday, November 28, 2010

So very tired

I didn't post yesterday because I had to be at work super early and I got in really late. Ugh I so hate my job. Ugh it's taking over more then my full time job. I swear it's like they are trying to work me into the ground. As if I didn't already dislike the holiday season enough. Now I have another reason to hate it. I have to work a 7 hour and 15 minute shift. I don't get out until after 9:30. The only lucky part is I'm off for two days from that job. Then guess where I have to go. My real job. I swear by the time this is over I'm going to be even more cynical and bitter then I am now. Ugh I simply hate working there. If it wasn't for the fact that I need the money I'd so quit right now.
Let's see what else happened. Friday was a weird day. Luckily I got there after all the crazy people left. Ugh so bored.
Today's tip is being pushed to your limits is the best way to get past them and defying expectations.

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