Wednesday, November 10, 2010

He Say She Say Mess

That's what I had to deal with yesterday. What I mean by that is I heard that a customer was mad at me, not from him or his friend, but from my boss who heard it from the wife of my co-worker who works out with this guy. The situation happened a long time ago. The fact that it is coming out now is not through any fault of my own. My co-worker's wife was mad at my boss so she brings this up to dig at him through me. Now I'll admit it bothered me that she would do that. Why attack me? The funny thing is just a few days ago a customer came in and said I went the extra mile for her and she's so glad she stopped in. I've had guys ask for me and ask what I'd recommend. So my boss and I agreed to talk to my co-worker to see what's up. All we really know is that she said what she did out of no where and she was upset. Instead of speculating and assuming what is behind this we are just going to confront it. We work together. There are three of us. We need to be working together not be divided. The plus side is that I could get my emotions out by tweeting it, e-mailing a friend, and texting a friend. I truly believe that once you get the emotion out of the way you can think of things logically and confront it as such.
Now as for the phrase He say, She say Mess I wish I could take credit for it. No it was a phrase I took from Judge Hatchett. She says that whenever a fight happens because of something that someone else said about someone else. That's exactly what happened. This could have been a big mess. I could have got mad at my co-worker and chewed him out. My boss could have chewed me out because of what she said. It could have truly been a big mess and had a lot of hurt feelings. People really underestimate the power of words. They can be a great thing to help someone or really hurt someone and their reputation.
Alright so today's video is Yu-Gi-Oh abridged. This one is the first episode for the season 0 abridged series. It's kinda interesting. So I figured I'd post it. If you've ever read the Yu-Gi-Oh manga you'll probably get more of a laugh out of this then if you just saw the anime. Enjoy. Today's tip is words have power. They can comfort friends or make their life a living hell. Be careful of what you say and why you said it.

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