Thursday, November 25, 2010

It's thanksgiving

For most that means a day to just relax and enjoy family. For me I have to go out and spend 5 hours and 45 minutes at my 2nd job. I have to deal with the people that will come in and you know they will come in. I'm sure I'll have to do a lot of stuff in the back. I'm sure it's going to be a pointless day. Plus I have to drive really carefully. There is ice on the road. So I have to go in early. Arg so don't want to go.
After work I honestly have nothing to do. Probably just going to hang out and watch World's Dumbest. Probably call up the parents and grandparents and say hey. Yeah it's going to be a day that's just boring for me. I don't get into holidays.
This is episode 17 of SMA. I love this episode. It's the one with that artist with the southern accent. Whenever I see this episode it reminds me of Jessabelle from Pokemon. I always here the same line. "You're not running properly." Plus some of the funniest lines are in this episode. Got to love it. Today's tip is today's holiday is a call to action. If you can't give thanks for at least one thing then congrats on being a brat.

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