Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A lot going on

Well my car officially hates me. It broke down yet again. Now I have another $1000 repair. I swear if it breaks down again I'm junking it. It better not since I pretty much replaced everything in it. I bet it will be that belt that will be the next thing. Anyway just annoyed with it.
Had a meeting to go to this morning so I didn't really get to sleep in. Could have really used it. Not like I'll be sleeping in tomorrow or Friday. Saturday I just get an extra hour and that's pretty much it. Hopefully I'll be able to get some extra sleep in one of these days.
I was just randomly whistling earlier and I started thinking. I remember there was a time I couldn't whistle. Then after tons of trail and error I finally started to get the hang of it. The same with blowing bubbles. Isn't it kinda funny when you think back at things you use to not be able to do, but you don't give it a second thought now. Whistling, snapping your fingers, blowing bubbles in gum, even rolling your tongue. There are things that we don't do naturally. there are still things that I can't do. Kinda funny how people grow and learn to do things. The really weird part is it's hard to teach. My boss can't whistle and he looks like he's doing right. He can't do that tongue vibration to roll your r's in Spanish. He has trouble snapping yet he's tried to do all these things. Just weird.
Yesterday I was bored so I went on the digimon wiki. I figured well I'm bored so why don't I look up some digimon digivolution lines. Was thinking well if I'm going to make up a season who would have have. What would my digivice look like. Well I have somewhat of an idea. Figure it will be a project I do in my spare time. Just be so cool if I made up my own digimon series. The sad part is I didn't make up a digimon. Then again I always did hate that. Not like it's not hard enough to keep track already. I will say that unlike other shows I plan on allowing my digidestin to have a digimon that can have two different ultimate forms. I got 4 so now I have to figure out if I want more and what their digimon will be. Trying to not go into lines that lead to super powerful digimon.
So while I was looking up those digimon lines I found out that there is a new season of digimon. Well I figured I'd look up the opening and post it. They added a mecha. Yeah totally not cool. Doubt it will make it to the US, but then again I said that about the last one. Disney tends to ruin things. Look at the power rangers. Today's tip is everyone has triggers that get them to pay attention or zone out. Don't take it personal if everyone in the room isn't listening to your speech.

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