Saturday, November 20, 2010

Interesting yesterday

So yesterday was an interesting day for me. I had the day off, yet I came by my job because we were decorating and that means free pizza for me. The funny thing was that other people from the mall were suppose to help. In fact one told me she planned on coming. Well it was just three stores really decorating the whole mall. So we had tons of pizza leftover. Shame too. Well that means I get free pizza for lunch.
I also watched the show What Would You Do? The annoying thing about this show is that no one can truly answer what they would do in those situation. I'm sure if those people saw themselves they'd say no I'd say something or I'd do something. That's why I feel uncomfortable saying oh I'd do this. Honestly I don't know what I'd do. I mean if I was approached in some of the situations I think I'd know what I'd do. It honestly is like "reality tv". It's really not. People act differently on camera then when they think no one is watching. Not to mention things do get edited. A small fight could look like a big deal that takes the whole episode. Let's be honest with ourselves people. If you knew you were being tapped to see how you'd respond to a lost girl you'd make yourself look good yes? Now you'd think that under the same circumstances without the camera you'd do the same thing. Well the thing is most people wouldn't. I think there are reasons for that. The big scare that anyone that approaches a child is a pedophile. So that's why I get really uncomfortable saying this is what I'd do because I really don't know.
Now here is a situation I'm pretty sure I'd know how to act. After the show 20/20 was on. They were talking about two girls fighting over a guy. It's a situation you see and hear about all too often. I just can't understand why the women attack each other rather then the guy that is the root of the problem. This was one of those situations. The guy was a jerk. He was changing the girls. They couldn't see it, but their family and friends could. They tried to get the girls to see the light, but no they kept spiraling. Found out about each other and attacked each other over the phone, texts, and myspace. All while the guy played them like puppets. He had them fight for his love. Well it escalated to one of the girls getting stabbed and dying and the other getting a sentence of 27 years in prison. Was it all worth it? If the girls had been smart and really thought about it they would have moved on. Said you're dating another girl? Well then we are done, but no they fought each other. Now both their lives are ruined. And what of the guy. Oh he is probably playing another pair of girls. Probably has no real remorse over what happened. That's the real injustice of the whole thing. The real victims don't get justice. The family and friends of the girls. I know if they had a choice they'd like to see him behind bars for the part he played.
So here is a vid from Space Channel 5. I think this is a training thing you can do. I don't have the game so I don't know. The funny thing is how can you have a view rating of above 100%? Anyway it's just her dancing with a funky background. If you make it through to the end you get to see some funky dancing. Today's tip is don't lose yourself to please someone else. If you aren't loved for you then they aren't worth your time.

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