Tuesday, October 5, 2010

One more day

One more day until Senior day meaning I'll have to hear the usual is it senior day and did you give me my discount. Ugh always annoying. There are those that are a joy to wait on. They make jokes and always have a good upbeat mood. Those are the type that don't ask if I gave them a discount. The ones that do are those that are either grouchy or that are so forgetful that they've tried my patience and I'm just fizzled out. Oh joy.
Tattoo update time. It's currently still itchy and in the stages of peeling. That means by the end of this week it should be done peeling and itching. Yay.
Last night my roommate was watching Keith Olberman and the final story was about a guy in rural Kentucky that had his house burn down. That of course isn't what made it news worthy. What made it news worthy was that the fire department came to the house and watched it burn. But wait. There's more. Turns out that every house in that town is suppose to pay $75 for fire protection. This guy got his notice, but says he forgot to pay it. When he called up 911 the operator said you didn't pay your fire protection and he pleaded that he'd pay anything just get him some help. Now this is your catch 22 type story. Yeah you want to side with the guy, but at the same time all he had to do was pay $75 once a year to make sure that it didn't happen. The town doesn't have a fire department of their own so they have to borrow one. I listened to the end of his interview and he says I know people don't think you forget to pay for this stuff, but I did. What more is that the fire was the guys fault. He was burning trash and one of his corn stalk caught fire and well now he doesn't have a house. Plus this fee wasn't something that just happened over night. It was around for 15 years. Apparently the old fire chief use to send a truck and make people pay afterwards. As the guy said he would "bend the rules". Well there you go. Probably one reason why he's not in his job anymore. I don't know who to side with in this story. I want to side with the guy, but at the same time he brought it upon himself. I want to blame the fire department, but they were just following the rules and weren't going to bend the rules for anyone. Like I said it just bugs me not siding with someone.
Today's tip is paying for protection against accidents is a smart idea. The reason they are called accidents is because no one can predict them.

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