Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's going to be one of those days

I just feel that today is going to be one of those days where I'm going to want to have stayed in bed. I say that because of all the stuff going on. Right now it's super windy and gloomy out. That means not a lot of people are going to be out and about. So I'm going to be pretty bored out of my skull. The network I usually use for internet is acting up today so I have to use the company computer to blog. I think it has to do with the crappy weather conditions. On top of that Megami33's YouTube channel and account is gone because YouTube hates anything good. It's like Team Four Star all over again. So that means all 44 episodes of SMA are gone for the moment. Well not gone just not in one location. It's going to be a long ordeal to get them all reloaded and deal with YouTube's crap. Happens with every abridged series I find that is actually good.
In other news I'm clearly nervous about this 2nd job. Which happens every time I start a new job. I get so worked up over everything and think of everything that could possibly go wrong that I psych myself out. Then after a week on the job I feel better. Now I may dread every time I have to go, but I at least push through it. Least it won't be me standing on my feet 8 hours at a time. More like 4 from what I hear. Least it's only 20 hours. Plus it's the dead shift mostly. I mean do people really want to go out after 6 to a department store in the fall/winter when it gets dark at like 5. It's the weekends that I don't look forward to. That I'm sure is busy.
Thanks to Glee doing a Rocky Horror Picture Show episode I now have some of those songs stuck in my head. No I don't watch Glee, but they play previews for it all the time. Anyway as I was looking for a song I came across this. It's probably one of the most memorable parts of the movie. I say that because it's so random yet so funny. Plus it goes on longer then it needs to making it that much funnier. What I mean is when Janet is found with Rocky. Oh just watch it. It's on a loop fyi. Enjoy. Today's tip is winds gusting up to 55 mph is the best time to test that parachute. You'll know one way or another if it works.

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