Thursday, October 14, 2010

Another weird one

Nothing makes you look at yourself like seeing someone else come to grips with what they do. I'm sure everyone is buzzing about Perez Hilton. He is going to try to change his ways. I'll admit I've never read his blog. I've seen a lot of people saying he's gone to far, but I've never personally read it. Apparently he's pretty harsh on celebs. Now I'll admit I'm also harsh. Now I don't give them horrible nicknames or say they are sluts or accuse them of being gay, but I'm probably overly harsh if one of them pisses me off with something they did. Anyway I can say from personal experience it's hard to change. I'll admit that I was (and still kinda am) on gaiaonline. I mean I cussed terribly. So what I had to do to change was give myself some negative reinforcement. Every time I cussed I had to donate to a "noob". I will say it worked. Even now like 2 years later I rarely cuss while blogging or talking to people. So if he wants to change he has to add some negative reinforcement. Something that his readers can call him on. Like if he was to go super bully on a celeb he has to write a super sweet blog about that celeb, or play a sport he hates playing. So if he's going to change I hope he does it because he's a celeb and people hold celebs to everything they say. Especially when its written and recorded on youtube.
Today was a very quiet day at the gym. I drive up and I didn't see any other cars until I parked. The trainer that was the former manager had her car parked. I pop in and she pops out of the trainer office. So it was just me and her working out. Yeah....not cool. Not at all. I ended up cutting my workout short by two exercises mainly because it felt like I was getting a good workout. Felt like I really had done a full workout.
So my gym has a new joke of the day. I will say it was actually a good idea for once. It's right there as you enter the gym. It's hard to have a bad workout when you start off with a laugh. So here is the joke. A blind man was walking in the park with his seeing eye dog. The dog then raises his leg and pees on the blind man. The blind man then pets the dog on the head. A bystander sees this and walks over. He asks the man "Why did you pet the dog? He just peed on your leg." The blind man replies, "I have to find his head so I can kick his ass."
This video is one that my friend sent me. It was so funny. It's a commercial for panda cheese. It goes to prove that you should never say no to panda. Just watch it. Today's tip is waking up and starting your day laughing helps you feel good. your roommate might think your a little crazy though.

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