Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh people

I really wish people would be critical of everything they see in these political ads. For instance an ad has been saying the health care bill cost 1 trillion dollar. Well if that's true then either we had a low deficit before or someone is lying. The deficit is 1.24 trillion dollars now. Or something like that. If the health care bill really cost 1 trillion dollars then that would mean the deficit was simply 24 billion. Yeah it was not that low. Yeah I'm sure no one pays attention to that. Or how about that ad that keeps playing (wish it would stop) saying that the supreme court almost struck the 2nd amendment from the constitution. As I ranted before. The supreme court does not have that power. They can strike a law down as unconstitutional. They can't say the constitution is unconstitutional. Why do you think Bush was so eager to get an amendment going saying marriage is only between a man and a woman. If he did that then gay marriage couldn't happen. Or the more recent ad saying that this woman won her battle with cancer thanks to great healthcare, but if you vote for the democrat the government will take over and premiums will go up. Alright when did she go through her cancer fight? How much did she pay in deductibles. How long had she had that insurance. All that comes into play. I mean I hate stereotyping, but she looks like she is pretty well off. Plus we don't know what stage it was and what she had. Oh boy. THINK PEOPLE!
Today my workout was weird. It was just me and my workout buddy. No one else came in. Which is odd because at least 2 people are in before we get there or someone comes in towards the later half of our workout. I did a leg workout and I just felt like I wasn't tired. Just felt like I could lift a lot more weights or go a lot longer. That's the 2nd day that happened. Either my post cycle therapy is kicking in, or this week I'm just better off bio-rhythmically. Whatever it is I hope it keeps up next week. Puts me in a better mood.
Today I got two videos. Awhile ago I posted some parts of Space Channel 5 part 2. Well these two are scenes from the Japanese version of the game. This is also the 2nd version. After you beat the game you can play through with different outfits. Plus Ulala has different mics. This time it's what looks like a mug of beer. Before you ask no I don't know what ODEN is. And yes that is still Michael Jackson. He doesn't speak Japanese obviously. It's kinda funny hearing it. Anyway I enjoy listening to it. Today's tip is if your going to cheat on someone then make sure you never get in a position where the two people will meet, like getting trapped in a mine.

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