Monday, October 11, 2010

Just tired

Today I just feel tired. I got back from the gym and just couldn't seem to move. I just felt like the energy has been sucked out of me. I think it's because of all the crap that happened yesterday. I think my will to fight has been put aside for the moment.
First was having to deal with the autistic customer at the grocery store. He happened to be working that day and decides that he needs to come up to me for advice. It's not like it was hey which supplement should I get. No no. It was my phone bill is getting out of control. I know it's not his fault he's like that, but come on. He's always doing stuff like that. I want to yell at him sometimes, but again I know it's not his fault.
Then I get back and I have to put my car in the shop. Well that was uber expensive. Well I finally get it back and now the back rear tire is smoking. Apparently they accidentally put brake fluid on the pad. I was too exhausted after dealing with the rest of the crap I had to deal with that I didn't feel like driving it over there to make sure. So I figure I'll drive it today. If it smokes I'll go in tomorrow. If not then I won't worry about it.
Before that I had to deal with the stupid couch situation. Again not my idea, but my roommates. The really annoying thing is he offered on that couch before and the person said he could get way more. Well now he either 1 realized he couldn't or 2 got tired of dealing with people. He said it was number 2, but I'm sure it was number 1. Anyway he threw his back out so instead of me simply bringing it into the apartment I had to go get it too.
Then the phone call to my mom pissed me off. She's on the whole you should go to school. Blah blah blah blah. I'm just so sick and tired of everyone telling me what I should and shouldn't do. I think it just got to me and that's why I'm so exhausted. I'm suppose to go into work today, but I probably won't make it in until this afternoon.
Today's tip is people are laughing at you behind your back, which is why you should probably take that sign off your back.

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