Thursday, October 28, 2010

Here it comes

Today I have to do orientation for that new job. I'm so very very nervous. Mainly because I honestly don't know what my job will be. I thought it was simply stocking shelves, but the guy said no I'd be on the sales floor. Plus I don't know when they will really want me to work and if it will interfere with the job I have now. On the plus side taking this job will really help in paying for those repairs plus saving up to go back to Texas in the summer. Still I probably won't feel better until it's over and I have a better idea of what is going to be happening with me.
In other news in my life the gym is starting to become quieter and quieter. It's also getting stranger and stranger. When I get to the gym today I thought I saw weight hog getting ready. I haven't seen him in awhile which usually means I run into him. No it was the weird guy from Tuesday. So I get in and he starts using one of the chest exercises. In his hoodie. Ok that's odd. Then he gets up and leaves. Now I don't know how long he was there before I got there, but still weird. And again didn't wipe anything down. Just like before he leaves and doesn't walk towards a car in the parking lot. He walks very far away. Like he walks to the gym from home or doesn't want to park his car close. It's really weird. I also noticed there was no music playing. Which is very odd. Oh and per usual the trainers are trying so hard to get people to sign up for classes and no one is. They are doing a class survey. Trying to figure out a time when most people are available I guess. The thing is no one will sign up because one trainer is intimidating in the fact that he acts bigger then he is. All his clients seem to feel the same way about him. He spends more time in the mirror or trying to intimidate the new people that he doesn't really help. Except for this one lady that thought he was working for her. Posted it next to his picture on the trainer door. Today it was gone. Shocker. The other one is so timid and quiet that she comes off as icy. Not to mention she doesn't ever look like she knows what she's doing.
Today's tip is don't waste all that time and energy going to the gym if your just going to leave after 10 minutes.

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