Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Well duh

I was watching the Today show and there were two segments that got my attention. The first was about how whenever you send you gold in for cash to all these sites and companies that say they will give you cash for it, you'll sometimes get ripped off. Some companies were fair with there prices. Others not so much. They had a professional gold appraiser give them packets of gold all costing about $450 each. some companies were close to that. Others were half of that. One was 8% of that. Yeah 8%. Now the reason why I hate those companies is because just as I figured they make these big promises that they can't keep. Oh you'll get 10% more then the next company blah blah blah. They tend to lose your gold in the mail. It's too easy to get scammed. They did an investigation on these companies earlier this year and found out that most of the time you couldn't get your gold back or they would process your gold through and you have to take their payment. This is why you go to a local jeweler. You ask them for a price. Shop around and go with the highest bidder. That way your gold doesn't leave your sight and your helping the local economy. Nope people have to do it because they saw it on tv.
The other story was about parents treating their obese children differently. I couldn't stick around for the segment so I don't know if they said they treat them better or worse. I will say that it is an obvious yes for two reasons. 1. No two children are ever treated the same. How we get treated by are parents is based on were we are in the line up (oldest, middle, youngest), our age, our gender, and our personalities. You obviously can't expect your 12 year old to act the same way as a 17 year old. The expectations are different. You can't treat a boy like a girl or vice versa. The 2nd reason is that our society has changed it's outlook on obesity. 10 years ago a parent of an obese child wouldn't get the same scrutiny they do now. Think about the last time you saw an obese child with their parent. I'm sure you thought (even for a second) that wow the parents can't help with that? I know that goes through my head. Plus obese kids tend to have a lot more problems. They have more health problems, tend to have low self-esteem, and/or don't socialize well. So of course these kids are going to be treated differently. I could have saved those scientist that did the study tons of money by telling them that.
I think we have to look at our society for the answer as well. There is some shame that is brought upon a parent if their child is overweight. They get those stares. I'm sure if they could read minds people are thinking oh that parent is endangering that child. The thing is that being overweight as a child is sometimes not permanent. There are people I know that were chunky in elementary school then as high schoolers they thinned out. When your taller weight distributes better. It's why it's hard to find a tall fat person. Not impossible, but hard. Well if you don't work right next to a fast food joint. Anyway we all seem to have it in our minds that it's easy to loose weight now. With all the infomercials about exercise machines, diet plans, and new video games out that are interactive. Well the thing is that it's not easy to lose weight. If it was everyone would be skinny. There are many factors that go into it. Yes sitting around a lot and eating junk food is one of the key things to change, but there is also genetics. Ever seen a family of large people. Well it's probably because they are endomorphs meaning they pack on pounds easier then other people. The other factor is they have to make the change for them. I've seen tons of people come in here and just want a pill that will make them skinny. The pill will only speed up your metabolism. It won't make you skinny. If you watch those Hydroxycut commercials you'd see that they have in fine print with diet and exercise. Our society has gotten so lazy. Everyone just wants a quick fix. Well there isn't one for losing weight. And if you aren't in it for the long haul you won't ever see the results you want.
The other thing is kids don't ever want to admit there is a problem and same with the adults. I've only seen one overweight teen come in since I've been here. His mom did all the talking and got my boss to do a consultation for her son. On the day of the consultation my boss said that a large man dropped the kid off. He couldn't get his weight because the scale only goes up to 300. There was so much body fat he fat gun was not able to go high enough. During the consultation the guy didn't say much. He came in once since then to get stuff. I'm sure the mom said I tried and gave up. She just wanted to be able to say I took him to someone. He wasn't to interested in losing weight either. It's things like that, that make it hard for kids to lose the weight. They just resign themselves to being fat if most of their family is. They are resigned to being obese. Until his attitude changes I can't see him living longer then his 25th birthday. It was like something one of my friends told me. He had a 16 year old working for him at Wendy's that was so fat they had to order him a 2XL. He couldn't be at the grill because he blocked people from going through. He had to be moved off the grill because he was sweating so bad it was falling on the food. Fast forward a few years he sees him again and he's walking with a cane. He weighed more then he did at 16. He was on disability because he was so large. That is what happens when you resign yourself to being big. I've seen guys that were on that road that turned it around. All because of attitude change.
I found another abridged series. Yeah it's a good one and I can't wait to get caught up on it. It's Sailor Moon Abridged. Yeah how can you not love that. It's also ironic that I would post it after the rant I just had. Watch it and you'll see what I mean. Oh and quick side note just like the 1st episode of any abridged series the sound is a little off. Meaning some characters sound louder then others. Today's tip is we are all different. That means people will treat us different (better or worse). Taking it personally will just weigh on your nerves.

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