Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'm up today

Got up early to go the monthly meeting. I'm actually pretty awake today. Least right now. Did my stomach workout and protein. Made my lunch then came down to the meeting for some donuts. So yeah I'm doing pretty good.
So I'm sure we all know about the situation Farve is in. Well there are two parts of me at war here. The one part is happy he's screwing it up and showing that he should have quit while he was ahead. The other part of me feels bad because he's just a little kid in a grown man's body. Other people are taking notice too. I mean I'm not going to lie. I wanted him to do a terrible job this season as pay back for all that he put fans and his teammates through. I didn't however want this sex scandal. Mainly because it involves other people rather then him. It makes it easy for him and his fans to have a scapegoat. Plus the way the media is going at it doesn't help it. He said these accusations and investigation wasn't affecting his focus and then he goes and loses a game making people wonder hmmm maybe he did do something. Now don't think that I'm defending Farve I'm not. I'm just saying I wish he would have imploded on himself not had someone else do it. I will admit I do hope he does get suspended and he does screw up the record for the most consecutive games played. Told you I'm at war with myself right now.
I was watching 1000 ways to die again last night and well. I saw this one and I of course had to post it. All I will say so I don't spoil it for you is samurai, car, lance, idiot. Watch it and of course it will make sense to you. Today's tip is there are things in our past that come back to haunt us. Especially if you go into anything that puts you in the public spotlight.

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