Saturday, October 30, 2010

Back to work

Yep back at work again today. Yesterday was nice. Not having to do anything unless I wanted to. Yeah won't have those days for too much longer. I bet anytime I have a day off for one job I have to go in to the other. Then again that's kinda how the schedule will go. I have no control over when a the big corporation will make me work, but I do have control over when I work at the smaller outfit. Hopefully I'll have at least one day a week when I don't work. Of course that will be the day when I have to do laundry and grocery shop. Like tomorrow. That's the adult life for ya.
I must say I got to do quite a bit of stuff yesterday. Well mainly play on the internet and do Halloween events. That's pretty much it. I didn't even tweet much. Then again I rarely tweet on my days off unless something just catches me. Plus it was cold and that makes me well do nothing.
Well today should be interesting. Internet is down yet again, but hopefully tons of people will come in and that will lead to tons of sales. Hopefully.
So I saw another ad for Rocky Horror Glee show. I don't know if that's what they called the episode I just called it that. Anyway so I was thinking. There a few songs they can't exactly show on the show. This would be one of them. Now if they showed it then wow, but I doubt it. It's the song Sweet Transvestite. This clip is from the movie. Frank N Furter is played by Tim Curry. I must say he did a great job with this role. Anyway enjoy...if your not too disturbed by it. Today's tip is if your going to have a conversation in the middle of the street do everyone a favor and hold up a sign that says, "I'm an idiot".

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