Thursday, October 21, 2010

Had a better day

Yesterday went better then Tuesday that's for sure. My car actually started up. I'm starting to think more and more that I can't trust my gas gauge and I'm going to have to start keeping track of how many miles I go which would be easy if my odometer actually worked. Plus more people showed up at the store. Less of them were pains in the ass. I will say that if you are asking your buddy for advice on which proteins you get then how about getting a list before hand not during. I had this guy ask if we had a certain protein in a different flavor. I said no, so he texts his buddy this long drawn out message as I'm standing there. Then finally decides on which protein to get and then asks if I've had it or if we have a smaller size. Well if your just going off what your friend says why would you need to know what I think of it or if we have it in a smaller size. Then later (after texting some more) he comes in again looking for a pre-workout. I showed him one of the ones his friend recommended. Then again he asks me about it. I didn't lie to him. I said a lot of guys like it others not so much. They cramp up on it or crash from it. Yeah his friend didn't mention that now did he. So he's going to hold on that.
Another thing that is getting under my skin are these political ads. Ok true they have always been under my skin, but still. There is this new one that is just a lie. It has a candidate quoted as "If your going to raise taxes: 'Just do it." Now if you've ever quoted someone or know anything about APA style quoting you know there is something up with that. Basically it looks like they pulled two different quotes and put them together. For all we know this was from a speech and early on he said if your going to raise taxes then later on he said just do it. I mean if I wanted to I could do that to anyone. Hell anyone could do that to me on this blog. By pulling random quotes someone said you can make anyone out to be racist, homophobic, stupid, anything you want. Yet only a few people will point this out. I know if I was the guy that these ads were attacking I'd point it out to the people and show them how easy it is to do. Maybe I should go into ads.
As more and more stuff comes out in this Farve scandal I'm getting more and more torn. I know that since he's pulling a Tiger Woods by not talking the media is going to keep digging until they hit dirt. Yet the other side of me is saying well it's all coming to a head. This is what he gets for being so egocentric. Have athletes learned nothing from Tiger Woods. The more you don't talk the worse it gets. The more they push the more the league has to react. The more the league has to react the worse it will be for you. On the plus side at least he's promised to really retire this time....we'll see. I mean come on the dude isn't even denying it. Which is making people think there is something to it and if the public has the opinion that he did it, all those sponsors will pull out. Then again I'm sure he has enough money somewhere to make it through.
I found a very interesting trailer today. Apparently there is a Thai version of Beauty and the Beast. It literally is a remake of the 1991 Disney version. Here is a trailer for it. If you've watched the Disney version as much as I have you'll remember all these scenes. Plus their Beast looks kinda like Simba. Today's tip is there is a fine line between speaking your mind and sticking your foot in your mouth.

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