Friday, October 22, 2010

Sometimes this happens

Do you know someone that just seems to take things to far. They act like they are in charge of everything? Well that's one of the people at the mall I work at. Seems like every week he's on a new mission. Yet when it comes to things that can't be solved by calling the police it will be someone else's problem. Well yesterday there was this guy in the mall. I'll admit he was creepy, but at the same time he wasn't really doing anything. Unless sitting is against the law. Anyway as I was closing up I looked and saw he was outside our neighbor's shack looking at his stuff. Yeah he gets very grouchy when anyone holds him up from leaving. Well as I was walking to the back I hear a loud FUCK YOU! I turned my head to see the guy walking out. The neighbor is following him saying yeah I'm calling the police your never allowed back in here again. I just ran to the back and pretended I didn't hear it. As I close the door I hear the neighbor talking to someone and he's on the phone with the police. He has called them twice in two days. I don't know what was said, but I'm sure he said something. He's not known to be tactful. Now I'll ask you how do you ban someone from a mall when you don't have mall security? How about when only a few shops actually show up to meetings. Most of us are busy trying to keep our doors open then trying to keep people he bans out of the mall. Ugh.
Another thing that's bugging me is Obama. He is truly playing politics. Like 2 months ago he was going on and on about repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Yet he asked the Court to hold off the ban for a couple of months. What the hell? How about you pushing for the repeal like you were. Several times this has happened. What happened to the whole vote for me for change. Yeah I want change not you changing your mind every few months. Stop playing politics. That's why people voted for you. Because you weren't playing politics. You weren't changing your answers from one rally to another. That's what people want. They want to know that they can look to a president and know he won't change his issue pushing just because of the election. If anything he needs to get all he can pushed through before the elections just in case the Senate and House are lost. I mean come on. This is why I'm getting more and more pessimistic about the way the government is going. I don't see any light coming anytime soon.
Last night I watching World's Dumbest. This was one of the clips on the show. Now how annoying must it be to be getting a tattoo and then all of a sudden a car goes through the shop. What if you were the shop owner and you think oh that won't happen again and it does. I mean damn. Clearly the community has something against the tattoo parlor. Today's tip is there will always be something to remind us of our age, but there will also be something to make us feel younger. Like cartoons.

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