Monday, October 25, 2010

Wow it's really out now

I was watching the news this morning and wow. I'm sure you all have heard about Randy Quaid and his drug possession charges. Well now he's trying to get Asylum in Canada. I'm sure you all think oh it must be for a good reason. Oh it is a good reason. You see a "secret" group called "The Star Hunters" is after him and his wife. If he comes back to the US they'll kill him. Yeah the guy is clearly on something and needs help. There are so many things wrong with this story. First off why would this group want Quaid. He hasn't been in anything recently. He claims it's because of Brokeback Mountain. Yeah he was in there for a couple of minutes. That aside why does he think this secret group can't get to him in Canada. Especially with him talking about them. I mean wouldn't that put a bigger price tag on your head if it was true. The other issue is, isn't him fleeing to Canada against the terms of his bond? The dude be crazy. Clearly needs to be locked up for something.
The next big bit of news is Farve. He is officially screwed. He is looking for a way out now. Trying his best to save face. After the loss at Green Bay. Oooo people are pissed. I didn't watch the game because if the Vikings won I'd be too pissed to sleep. Well apparently he hurt his ankle again and that had him hobbling like an old man. Plus he apparently admitted to sending those voice mails, but not the penis pictures. I know a quick way to settle this. Say Brett drop your pants. Do a quick comparison. Either it is his or it isn't. Even the head coach was yelling at him. Well not yelling, but had harsh words to say. Now he's really looking like he can't play in the next game. It's like I and many other people had been saying. The guy should have retired while he was on top. Now he's going to be remembered for the crappy season he had just before going out. Possibly having this sexting thing held over his head too. Plus I'm sure his body is punishing him for playing this last season too.
In great news for me the gym was pretty empty yet again. Made it easy for me to have a good chest workout. That's the workout where I really only use two things. I need the smith machine and the cables. It also takes the most time to set up. Whenever there is someone back there it makes it hard for me to get everything done. It's why I try to do my chest workouts on days when I think few people will be there. Like Thursdays and Fridays, but sometimes I have to do it early on in the week. Plus I think the trainers are really starting to see that they need to change up their tatics. They keep trying to get these classes going, but no one signs up. Mainly because well the trainers don't give up a good vibe. One is so into himself that your better off training alone. The other is so timid and when you do get her she doesn't seem to know what she's doing. I saw her working a client last week. She didn't work them to muscle fatigue and jumped between two machines. As I was leaving she looked like she was having trouble simply adjusting the seat. What does that tell ya? Honestly if they want clients they have to talk. they have to make people feel that they aren't doing it just for the money or just to show off. If people feel they are just getting treated like client number such and such and aren't really getting specialized attention they won't want to continue working with a trainer.
Today's tip is whenever you win something, the sooner you get your prize the sooner you get to rub it in people's faces.

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