Saturday, October 2, 2010

New day. New Laptop

That's right today I'm blogging from my brand spanking new laptop. I must say I had one of the best birthdays in a long time. It might be because I got to do what I wanted and didn't have to go to school. It could be because a ton more people told me happy birthday. It could be that I'm truly better off emotionally then I was a few years ago. Whatever it is I'm glad it happened.
So went to Best Buy to get my laptop and I'm not going to lie. I got a little freaked out when I couldn't find the laptop I was looking for. Well after searching for a bit I found it. Now it wasn't blue, but of course I could think of worse things. I get it home and I just played with it. Still in the process of transferring all my crap over. I have a lot of crap. The music I'm not so worried about because my mp3 player has them all. This is just making sure I have pictures, programs, etc. Oh and when I got back from Best Buy I found a penny heads up.
Then came time for my tattoo. I think the rule of them is the crazier your tattoo artist the better your tattoo. Maybe that's just what I observed. Oh and this is also for an artist that has a crazy appearance. This guy went on and on about Aliens. Now this wouldn't have been too terrible if I hadn't brought it upon myself. I didn't just get out of it when I had the chance. Plus I guess I was giving off this signal of yes please tell me all about Aliens. Anyway the tattoo came out great though. I swear this one hurt more then my first one, but it's smaller and it already looks better then my other one at this stage in the game. Then again my first one I got later in the day. Anyway it's looking better and hopefully won't take nearly as long to heal.
The funny thing about yesterday is it started off with the worst cramp of my life. It was a calf cramp. If you've ever had one of those you know what I'm talking about. It woke me up at about 3:30 and I could not get comfortable. Finally the pain went down enough I could use the bathroom. When I woke up to go tot he gym it was better, but not the best. Anyway I get to the gym and the bike I like to use to warm up was taken. So I used the treadmill figuring that would help stretch out the cramp and it did. So I was in the gym with a somewhat cramped right calf. Doing a leg workout mind you. Well I got through it. Now my ass is sore and so is my right calf. Probably pushed it more then normal because it was cramping up. Oh well.
Well when I was finding the song Beauty and the Beast I saw one of my (if not my) favorite song from that movie. I honestly think it was one of the better movies Disney did. Anyway the song is Belle. Is so funny Belle is singing about how life is so boring and predictable while everyone else is talking about how odd she is. Makes you think doesn't it. Anyway today's tip is even a day that doesn't start out great can lead to one of your best days ever.

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