Monday, October 4, 2010

Back to the old grind

Well first up is a tattoo update. IT ITCHES AND IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE! That is all.
So I've obviously had enough of these political ads for elections. The main reason is because everyone is blaming everyone else. In their haste to blame others they do this double talk. I've seen ads that keep going on about how Washington created the deficit and job loss. yeah that's true. Then they'll go on and say the stimulus didn't work. Ok it did work. It made sure the recession was not much worse. Economist said that not politicians. Then they will say under me we will create jobs. Ok wait you said the stimulus didn't work. How can you (a government official) create jobs if the biggest bit of government couldn't? See what I mean by this double talk. Or this big push. Saying that under this person thousands of jobs were lost. Well under a lot of people jobs were lost. That's what happens when your in a RECESSION! This recent one I saw said that the incumbent is trying to save his seat. Well duh! Of course he is. Every incumbent is. If a President has only served one term they typically try to go in for a 2nd one to "save their job". What kind of attack ad is that? That is one reason why I hate election season. Everyone gets swept up in blaming everyone else and trying to look good for the public that they will lie tot he public. They will say government doesn't create jobs, but if you elect me I'll create jobs. If you elect me I'll cut wasteful spending. Well what is your definition of wasteful spending? Education? Unemployment? State run health care? Readers look at your candidates. Don't just blindly vote because of party. Vote based on who makes the most sense. Vote for the person that's honest with you. Vote for the person that truly seems like they have a plan and will work for you.
I'm sure we all know the story of the freshman at Rutgers. I have avoided this topic because well everyone has had an opinion and I didn't want to jump into this, but I saw something that pissed me off. The roommate said it was a prank. How the hell is streaming live video of someone having sex all over the internet a "prank". A prank would be to say oh btw I recorded you with this webcam. Just kidding it wasn't on. That's a prank. Not a good one, but it is one. That wasn't a prank. You were out to ruin him. then people that knew the guy said oh he's not homophobic he has gay friends. THAT'S NOT A DEFENSE! That's the whole I'm not racist because I have black friends defense. Granted usually the "defense" is saying that you have a family member who's gay. Well let me point out why that's not a defense. You can't choose family members. On top of that we don't know how you treat them. For all we know you avoid them like the plague. Then saying you have gay friends just means you were looking for friends who were gay, not friends who just happen to be gay. That logic pisses me off. You did a horrible thing so just admit it. You had no business invading your roommates privacy like that and spreading it with the world. Straight or gay that's not right. The thing that really pisses me off is I have a friend who goes to Rutgers and that university has been through so much crap. I hope he's ok I really do.
I don't know how many of you ever heard of the show Code Lyoko. If you haven't I suggest watching it. I use to watch it but it kept coming on at weird times and never got to really finish it. So this is the opening for the final season. Well I assume it's the final season. Anyway it's something interesting to watch if you have some free time. Today's tip is a little bit of logic goes a long way however a lot of stupidity likes to cover up logic.

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