Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What I figured out

PEOPLE ARE CRAZY! Yeah that's all I can say. I just see people doing crazy things all the time. It's the only fact that keeps me going through the day. Every time I see someone doing something I just have to say ok people are crazy. I mean from only getting a new car for your growing family by agreeing to let your spouse "pimp" out their ride to the people that come in say they're looking and won't tell you what they are looking for even though they clearly are looking for something specific. It's just all crazy.
I actually saw a political ad saying that the Supreme Court was one vote away from removing the 2nd Amendment. No I am not joking about this. NRA was seriously running an ad here saying that the Supreme Court can change the constitution. Ok kiddies let's have a little government lesson. There are only two ways to change the constitution. Both of which require an amendment. Guess which branch can pass an amendment. That's right congress. Not the Courts. The Supreme Court only focuses on laws that are being challenged as unconstitutional. What they claim is a vote to change the 2nd Amendment was actually about a law in Chicago. I hate to dumb down our government, but I clearly have to. The executive branch (president) enforces the law. The legislative branch (congress) creates the laws. The Judiciary (courts) review and interpret the laws. Go look it up if you don't believe me. If the courts could change the Constitution (which they have an oath to uphold) then it would have way more amendments and tons more things would be stricken. Ugh just makes me want to smack someone. I really wish I could have an ad right after that saying ladies and gentlemen the previous ad lied to you. The supreme court can not change the constitution. Go look it up on google. If they lied to you about that what else are they lying about.
Some more craziness is what's going on at my gym. Ok first off is this. My gym did this motivational quote. Well it wasn't changed for awhile. Then it suddenly changed and had the new manager's name motivational quote. Then it didn't change for awhile and now it's daily fitness quote. Then on top of that I went in last Saturday. There was a note on the door saying that he wasn't going to be in on Saturday, but will be back on Monday. That may not sound crazy, but there are staffed hours posted. On Saturday it says it's only staffed by appointment. So no one should expect him to be in unless they made an appointment. The guy is trying way to hard to show that he's the new manager. I'd hate to see what he does when he comes in. I workout way earlier then when he comes in.
Which gets me onto my next topic. Who comes in before 6 am to the gym on a motorcycle. Weight hog comes in today on a motorcycle. I got there at like 6:30. I don't know what he did in terms of a workout, but he was in at least at 6. Now it's dark at 6 am. Plus it's cold. Why would you drive a motorcycle that early. Crazy.
Alright we all know the song Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid. Well I'm sure you haven't heard the Japanese version. Well if you played Kingdom Hearts you know they did a musical for Atlantica. So this is the Japanese version of the song Part of Your World. Honestly I think it's way better then the English version. I think because they didn't have the original Ariel doing it. View it if you don't believe me. Or better yet I'll post them both and you be the judge. Today's tip is people are crazy. Just a little fact to get you through the day.

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