Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oh Boy

Ugh politics is getting to me. It's just pissing me off. The republican Ron Johnson has an ad out there saying that the deficit is 143 trillion dollars or something like that. When I heard that I stopped and thought wait I thought the deficit was like 1.24 trillion. Then in an ad run later in the day he says that the deficit went up since his opponent has been in the senate. Fyi Russ Feingold has been in the Senate for about 18 years. Or was it 16. Anyway so clearly there is some missing facts in there. Plus in that same ad he claimed the deficit was 1.3 trillion. So in two ads for himself he has two different numbers. He's lying to us. I really wish I could see these two back to back because if I did people would see he's just saying things to make his opponent look bad. Ugh I hate that. I jumped out of my skin when I saw that.
Then Christine O'Donnell is proving my point that the Tea Party people do great until they start opening up their mouths. If your going to say your a constitutionalists make sure you at least know what's in the amendments. There aren't that many. Or at least know the 1st, 14th, and 17th. Those are the ones the Tea Party like to quote the most. Well they are trying to get rid of the 14th. Anyway when it came to a debate it was kinda sad. She's ranting and raving that the constitution doesn't mention a separation of church and state. Well on one hand she's right. The Constitution does not specifically say separation of church and state. That was a phrase coined later on. The first amendment does however say that the government can not support one religion over another. Then when later asked about her opinion on the 14th and 17th amendment she had no clue what they were. Arg....
Oh and now Clarence Thomas' wife is going all crazy. Well she's been going crazy lately. She called up Anita Hill and wanted an apology. Wow seriously. No one is talking about what happened to your husband in 1991 and you are asking for an apology 19 years later? Are you serious? What the hell. Was there nothing else for you to comment on so you figured hey I'll call up this woman who hasn't talked about it in forever and ask her to apologize to my husband who is a Supreme Court Justice even after that testimony. The other weird thing is that the voicemail got turned over tot he FBI which makes me think there is more to the story then meets the eye.
Since I've been talking about Sailor Moon I thought I'd post a compilation of the different Sailor Moon openings. Now I will say I think one is missing between the 2nd Sailor Moon opening and the Sailor Moon R opening. I will also say that Sailor Moon S had like 3 different versions of it. The first was only the 5 sailor Scouts, then one with Uranus and Neptune, then with Pluto, Chibi Moon, and Sailor Moon Crisis. The Sailor Moon SS also had a different verion of it as well. So it's not all of them, but gives you a basic idea of all of them. Today's tip is don't call yourself an expert if you don't know at least 94% of a subject. Otherwise you just look stupid.

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