Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rainy day

It's Saturday and I have off. Of course that means it must rain today. Well at least I'll get to watch Paranormal Activity 2 today. Should be fun. My mind is clearly in the mood to watch something like that. Last night I had some weird dreams. One was about me visiting this Hotel and being trapped there because of a ghost named Oscar. He apparently could either be very neutral or very dangerous. The weird thing about the dream is I'd wake up then go back to sleep and it would continue. Then eventually it stopped and another weird dream started. Something about me owning a tattoo/shirt store. Weird.
It was a pretty good day yesterday. Apparently the guy that yelled at the neighbor was rearranging his cards. Also was yelling at cars. So we are suppose to call the police every time we see him. Should be fun.
Today's video is the trailer for Paranormal Activity 2. I really want to see it because it looks like there are going to be far more angles to see anything weird that might happen. Plus it seems to keep true to the 1st movie. Should be fun. Today's tip is it's not a good idea to annoy the police. They have buddies. Plus they tend to have your license plate.

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