Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So guess who has a 2nd job now. Yeah not cool. It's with the company that assured me that I would get the job during the summer and I didn't get it. Had to jump through tons of hoops. No fun. So this time I just had to send in an application and that's it. I have orientation to go to on Thursday. Ugh really don't want to go. Least I'll be at the kinda quiet shift which is after dinner. Yay.
At the gym it was slightly busier. There were 3 people there already. The first was someone that was running on the treadmill. I couldn't tell if it was a guy or a girl. The reason being was the way he was running. It was a run that made him look like he had boobs. No joke. It was kinda like the Velma run. You had to get closer to see it was a dude. The other one was in the shower per usual. She always comes in really early. The last was a guy that was in the back. When I get to the back he's using the smith machine which I wanted to use. Well he finishes and per usual doesn't put back the weights. Or even wipe down the machines. Just keeps up and walks out to the front. Ugh.
So I assume all of you have seen if not heard of Candy Mountain with Charlie the Unicorn. If not then well go do so now. I recently saw the 3rd one and I will say wow it's still good. The creator didn't let the popularity of the series go to their head. It's still good and still funny. Anyway I'd watch it if I was you. Oh and yes part of that song is a spoof of exactly what you think it is. Today's tip is anyone that doesn't look older after 25 years will be studied by science. It's one of those unwritten laws.

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