Monday, October 18, 2010

Better...sort of

So my headache is better. Not by a lot. It has gone from crippling to simply nagging. That does make me feel better.
As for Sunday football I'm not shocked. I told my roommate that if the Vikings couldn't beat the Cowboys then they couldn't beat anybody. I can say that since I come from the DFW area and every time I want the cowboys to beat a team they lose. Now I will say I wasn't expecting such a close game. Speaking of which when did football become a drama sport? Oh right when Farve retired. That whole bs with the oh Farve might not play because of his elbow. Who the hell were they trying to fool. How about he just shuts up and plays. Unless he legitly can't play I don't want to hear it. I mean I don't care if he doesn't think he cans, I mean he has broken his arm and can't play. Ugh it just annoys me.
Today is going to be a long day I can feel it and it's mainly because of this headache.
Today's tip is your mood plays a part in how you treat others and how they treat you.

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