Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Makes you wonder

Does what a candidate says really decide voters. If it does then I'd like to think that a lot of these people have no chance. Like that guy trying to be new york's governor. What's his name? Palidino. Anyway he just keeps saying things that just make your mouth drop. He sent people letters that smell like garbage. Or how about that guy that said being gay is a choice like alcoholism. There is so much wrong with that statement. If being gay was a choice don't you think so many young teens wouldn't be committing suicide. They'd "choose" to be straight and move on. And who the hell chooses to be an alcoholic. That's an addiction. There is a chemical that has been set off and they can't exactly help it alone. Now yes they can choose to get help, but it's not just like they can stop and be ok. Ugh. I just want to hold up sound bites of everything these people are saying and play them for people that are voting.
At the gym one of the people there said something that hit me. In Wisconsin there is a political ad every 2 minutes. That got me thinking. In Texas there were so not even close to this many political ads. I guess that shows the different political atmosphere. Texas is a big red state so typically people avoid talking about it unless they know that the person they are talking to shares similar political views, or they know they actually have some clue of what they are talking about. In Texas I've actually heard an argument where the guy was simply with someone because they were republican. They had no clue at all what was going on. Those are the people that scare me when it comes to voting. That's how the crazy people win.
Here is another episode of Sailor Moon Abridged. This one is when we meet Greg who can see into the future. Yeah I love this episode because it does a great job of pointing out all the things we were thinking. Like for someone that can see the future he sure did get himself in a huge mess. It's really funny. Today's tip is to get people to do what you want offer them free pizza. People will do anything for pizza.

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