Thursday, October 7, 2010

Long senior day

Yep it was a long one. Not really, but just had a lot of people that came in and some where pains in my side. The first was this woman that seemed to think that we would add a discount on top of a discount. How many stores will honestly give you a discount on top of a discount. Especially since most coupons or discounts say no other offers, discounts, or coupons apply. Or that you can only use one per visit. Anyway so seniors get 15% off. So I was giving her her discount. Then she pulls out this card form the local high school that's a discount card. So she's like yes and I have this card that gives me 10% off. I said well you are already getting 15% off. I can't add a discount on top of a discount. She said but I paid for this. I said I understand that, but today your getting 15% off. So this is worthless. No it's not worthless. You get 15% off today, but any other day you come in you can use that card and get 10% off. I don't think that's fair but ok. What is not fair about that? You get a better discount today and tomorrow you can get 10% off. Plus we aren't the only business on that card. Plus if she had read the card she would have saw no other offers, discounts, or coupons apply. The other day a woman came in with that card. We have products that have been lowered so low that if we offered a discount we would barely break even. We have all those items starred and have signs that say we don't give discounts on those. On top of that she gets a 17% discount. 17 beats 10 duh. Arg.
Then I had this guy that always comes in. He annoys me because he just looks at everything then buys a random thing. Plus he can not remember my name. Every time he calls me my co-worker. I have to say my name every single time. Anyway so the radio talks about how Moss is now on the Vikings. Which got us started on Farve. And I will say there are few things that get under my skin (shut up), but one of those things is Farve. So we talk about that and he was defending Farve. Not many Packers fans do that. Basically he said oh Farve can do that because he's a star. Seriously? He can whine and bitch and moan to get whatever he wants because he's a "star". So you are ok with children seeing this "star" whining and moaning to get what he wants. The more I pushed the more all he could really say is well he got close to the Superbowl a lot. That means he can do what he wants. That is the crappiest logic I've ever heard. He can get as close as he wants. Unless he gets teams tot he Superbowl every year and wins every year he is no better then any other quarterback that gets close to the Superbowl. I don't see him doing everything on the field so, no he can't get away with that. Just urks me.
Episode 21 of Sailor Moon abridged. Yeah that's how far I got after starting the series on Tuesday. They are that short and I'm that slow in finishing them because I tend to watch them at work. Enjoy. Today's tip is when it comes to money and discounts people tend to be irrational. Nothing to add to that, just stating an observation.

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