Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Today is nice

Today is looking very very nice. Got up and did my workout with no problems what so ever. The only downside was I was doing my chest and I found out my machine was off. What I mean is that it wasn't set up properly. So it's now fixed and workouts are a lot harder. This is the week I up all the weights by 10 as well. So that means it's that much harder. Oh well I'll catch up. Can't stay back because of the fix. Not with the goal I want to reach. Anyway so was up early and worked out, and had a good workout. That's a good start to the day. Got to work (early) and got the work my boss wanted done, done early. Got paid today as well. Not to mention I turn in my key to my former landlord to await my security deposit. I still haven't decided on if I'm going to sue him if and when he only pays me a portion of my security deposit, but I'll deal with that later. I've also used the A/C for the first time this year. It's suppose to be in the 70's today. Yeah it's been a good day. A lot different then yesterday, when I could barely get up. I seemed like I tossed and turned at night. My toe was hurting (not hurting like at all right now). Yeah not the best day. Other then the fact that I finally watched the Ben 10 Alien Force season finale that I recorded. Only to find out that it was actually the series finally. Yeah that made me worried as I was watching it. Not to mention Ben even makes a comment about the show when he was talking to Kevin. Saying something like this is Sumo Slammers generation not the best one to start with. It's like 5 years after the classic series and it isn't very good. It doesn't make much sense. The hero even teams up with the villain. So yeah that made me worried. Oh and no that isn't the exact transcript of that conversation, but they kept saying stay tuned after the show for an special Ben 10 announcement. The announcement was there will be a new series called Ultimate Alien. I don't know if that means they will kinda go back to the old style of Ben 10 in this new series or what. I'll see on April 23rd won't I. So keeping up with my Ben 10 talk I figured I'll post the opening to the original series. It even comes with free lyrics. I like this opening better then the actual original opening. Mainly because by the time they started it a lot of things had been uncovered. It was past that I'm a new show trying to establish characters mode. Plus Gwen was finally doing a lot more instead of being well useless. Today's tip is a company is offering to teach people how to use food the right way. You eat it then use the nutrients to stay alive. Saved you a few bucks.

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