Thursday, March 18, 2010

Well that was a weird day

So my St. Patricks day started off well crappy. My car decided to die on me because a belt that powers everything flew off while I was driving. I told my boss and he checked it out and said he doesn't know how I got to work, but it's a miracle that I did. So now I got to get that fixed and of course that won't be fun. I started getting a headache which wasn't good. It was a foggy day to begin with. Not to mention I was tired from lack of sleep. Then it seemed to get better. Had our fire inspection and for once passed. Got to see some customers. Did pretty well in sells. Saw a customer I haven't seen in forever. Had a pretty decent night. Watched paranormal activity with the alternate ending. Yeah I was expecting something well scarier. You know maybe actually seeing the demon or something. I think the real ending was better and scarier. Then I found out that my landlord called. So I listen to my voicemail. Well if you don't know what's going on basically my landlord is a greedy asshole and I'm now living at a new place and had to pay for march rent before I could just move out. He tried to make this deal with me, but just made me not trust him. Anyway so apparently his son rented my apartment and wanted my key or he'd have to change the lock. So I call him today and say well I'll give you my key if you give me 13 days rent back and my security deposit. He said well no they didn't rent it yet, but when they do I'll give you your refund (yeah sounds real trustworthy huh?) and you'll get your security deposit on the 20th. I said well I'm giving you my key early so I expect my rent returned so he caves and says fine don't give me your key. We continue talking and basically ends with me keeping the key until March 31st. He tried claiming that I moved out (If I did or didn't isn't the point) and that I have to give up the key. Knowing that he was just trying to bully me I called him on it and so now I win and keep the key. Now the problem here lies in the fact that if he had been smart he would have given me my rent and security. He said he got the place rented (meaning a signed lease and security deposit), but didn't know when they were moving in. So if they signed a lease saying we are moving in march 21st then well my landlord is screwed because they can sue for that and I'd so be a witness for them saying no I rented that apartment until the end of March he shouldn't have been renting it. So now he lost out on rent and possibly has some legal fees to pay. I mean come on. Well being stubborn doesn't pay.Well the video for today is another one of those songs that you hear maybe one time, but you can't get it out of your head. Disney Channel had this movie called Hatching Pete and there is this song that they'd play all the time. It's called Let It Go by Mitchel Musso and Tiffany Thorton. I think it's because it sounds like a high school band and I was in high school band. Anyway so enjoy it. Today's tip is being stubborn can be a great quality, but it can also cause you to lose out on some great opportunities.

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