Sunday, March 7, 2010

That was fun

Yesterday I had my day off for the month. Minus of course every Sunday I get off. Anyway so I did nothing yesterday. It's why I didn't post at all yesterday. I found it very very nice to not try to post and do all the things that I "have" to do. For instance posting a blog, tip of the day, fixing some people's problems. So I just told everyone that I have a day off and was busy doing other stuff. Anyway like I said I did nothing yesterday. Just sat there because my room mate wasn't here. Nothing to really report, but I did have a weird dream last night. It involved the Summerbridge/Breakthrough program. Also involved a wild boar. Apparently as part of the program we were suppose to paint sculptures with prisoners. Yeah I have no clue why the heck we were allowed to do that. Then for some reason they thought that it was a good idea to put animals in each group. My group got a wild boar. Needless to say none of us were too happy about that and tried to hit it to keep it away from us. We eventually chase it out and the program director picks it up and starts crying. Yeah it was a weird dream. Then we stop at a steak house, but not to eat there. We were deciding where we wanted to eat and we decided on this place down the street. It was some sort of Chinese/Mexican food place. We then go to Wal-Mart to look for clothes for the less fortunate. I kinda go looking away from the group and suddenly end up in Japan underwater. They have giant robots to fight off squids. After I witness an attack decide that I've seen enough and go back to the rest of the group then woke up sometime later. Now ironically as I'm writing this blog I'm watching this thing about Giant Squids and capturing one on film....and they are stationed in Japan. Weird huh? Anyway squiby (ha squid) is down yet again. So today's video is Alones by Aqua Timez. I love this song because I thought it was a great opening. I'm posting the opening from Bleach then the music video. Today's tip is some people live in denial. We call those people merefolk. Get it? It's a pun.

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