Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Long day

A long day begins with a long night. Seems like I was waking up a lot last night. Didn't have to do with my toe though. Just seemed like I was asleep then woke up all of a sudden and had to move. Then I had to be at work early because there was a health consultation going on. So I'm clearly half asleep while working. We also get a shipment in. Guess who had to recieve that into inventory. That's right me. Plus my toe is being really weird. Doesn't hurt the same way it hurt yesterday, but it still hurts. Looks a lot better that's for sure. Plus I'm at the other store which is just busy with people. Yeah it's going to be a long day. I did get my workout in yesterday and my weight is up. Least from the last time I measured myself which was last monday I believe. So I'm on my way....yay. The workout yesterday seemed like it went a lot smoother then usually. Didn't seem like I broke a sweat any. Granted I was working out my back. So when I work my arms or my chest we'll see what's up. Other then that nothing to really report. Well apparently Ricky Martin is gay, but that is 1. not really news 2. doesn't impact my life in anyway shape or form. Just amazes me that people have no lives that they have to go out and find out which celebrity is sleeping with who. Like it's going to make your life that much more intersting.Oh before I give the tip for the day I will say that this came from a dicussion that my friends and I had on my facebook status. It has been established that what doesn't kill you makes you weaker at least temporarily. Especially with radioactive acid spewing ants.

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