Monday, March 29, 2010

Well yesterday was hectic

So yesterday started off pretty good. It was starting to look like a nice day and didn't seem like I had to do all the stuff I normally have to do on Sundays. Then it slowly started to unravel. I went back to my old place to make sure I didn't leave anything since I'm turning in my key on Wednesday. Yeah the door was unlocked meaning that the landlord 1. showed the apartment without contacting me, but worse of all 2. FORGOT TO LOCK THE DAMN DOOR. I know he did it on purpose. He was probably hoping someone would vandalize the room so he could blame it on me. Yeah so of course that makes me pissed. Then later in the day I stub my toe which gets progressively worse as the day goes on. Then my room mate gets sick because of the pre-workout that he got from me because he reacts weird to sugar free products. Saturday was an ok day. Kinda got cloudy, but nothing really happened one way or another. Ended up going to bed early actually. Well today I'm starting off on my new goal. Which included me working out this morning, but still too tired so I'll be working out tonight. Anyway my goal for the month of April is to pass the 160 lb mark while keeping under 7% body fat. Right now I'm in the very lean category which means my body fat is 7% or below so I'm hoping to keep that low to remain in the very lean category. It shouldn't be hard since I was at 156 last time I was measured. To ensure it though I'm taking an anabolic stimulator and Kre-Alkalyn. So If I stay on that plus keep working out the way I do and having all the extra protein I've been having I should pass 160 easy and hopefully stay below 7%. So wish me luck on my trek. So I decided to do a blast from my past. When I was a junior in high school, I was surfing the profiles of gaia and someone's video was this. It made me laugh out loud. I showed it to all my friends who loved it too. Whenever I watch it, I'm reminded of those days. The video is the song If You Were Gay from Avenue Q and the anime used for it is Gravitation. If you know of Gravitation it makes it that much funnier. If not then watch the anime then watch this video again. Today's tip is in the battle of weights and gravity v.s. your toes. The weights and gravity team always win.

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