Monday, March 22, 2010

Finally Happened

So the Health Care bill has finally been passed. Seemed like it was never going to happen, but it did. Now there are still some tweaks that must be made, but still it's a whole lot better then if nothing was passed. Still wish there was a public option though. I mean we all have to get health insurance and I get why it is we have to get it, but still sucks. The idea is that the pool will be huge and won't ever shrink so premiums shouldn't go up more then like 5% at a time. Oh and another weird thing no one seems to know the margin by which it passed. I heard it was a vote of 216, then another source said 220, then it was 219, then 216 again. You'd think people would know. I mean it's one of those things that can't really vary, but at the same time the main focus is that it passed. In other news a 15 year old 8th grader was beaten to within an inch of her life and is in a coma. Now there are several issues wrong with the story. For instance no one helped her until a teacher got involved. The other thing is that this boy wasn't even a student and he rode up on his bike and had to be directed to find the girl since he never met her. This is also the same school where a boy was doused with alcohol and set on fire. Something is going on in that county where those kids are so violent and act like that when they are pissed. When I saw the story I figured well maybe they got someone they think did it because of the way they mentioned the story. They said that and now a story of a boy who beat up a girl within an inch of her life even though he didn't know her, but of course they have tons of witnesses, have the texts between him and her, and the texts he apparently sent friends saying he was going to kill her. Talk about not thinking of the consequences of your actions. Clearly his frontal lobe was not fully developed. Just that even at 15 seemed like I was able to know that if I was to do that, then I would be in serious trouble and it would follow me for the rest of my life. Well don't know what his home life was like either. In news about me got measured today. Good news lean body mass is up. Somewhat bad news body fat went up too. To counter that a couple of my muscle groups went up in size. I'm still considered to be "very lean" though since my body fat is still below 7%. You'd figure that if I was to get health insurance I should get a good rate since I'm in pretty good shape. You never know though. They might say that since my body fat is considered "very lean" that I might be at risk for malnutrition so that makes my premiums go up. Oh well when I get it we'll see. That reminds me I better fill out that Census I got the other day. If I don't it would be against the law even though I filled it out at my other place. I'm sure there is something I can do since it asks about who's living there as of April 1st which won't be me since I will have moved out. Oh and the dream I had last night. Boy was it trippy. Had characters from Pokemon, The Weekenders, Naruto, and I think another cartoon. There was like a murder or some crime and for some reason I had the alphabet (out of order) on my shoes. Yeah it was weird. Oh and real quick I was looking up geoducks because I reached geoduck guardian on a game and had no clue what it was. Very disappointing appearance for that name. I mean that's just gross. I would so never touch that part of it. Yuck.So the video for today is Too Much by Spice Girls. Now if you grew up in the 90's you know of the Spice Girls. They were a big hit back in the day. This is arguably one of their best music video. This version has clips of their movie. I would look for just the music video part, but well I'm lazy. Anyway I always liked it. Seems like each one of them is embodying a movie. Anyway hope you like it. Today's tip is two is better than one, except when it comes to bypass surgeries, hernias, and siblings.

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