Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gloomy week

So all week it's suppose to be cloudy and rainy. Which I'm fine with since it's actual rain and not frozen rain. It's still suppose to be in the 40's which means more snow melting. Starting to look less and less like winter in wisconsin and winter in texas. That's a big step up. Yesterday I went to Pizza hut and got 2 pizza mia's for 10 bucks. Yeah I regret that descion since well pizza mia's suck. I should have spent that money on the pasta tonight. Why couldn't it have been 2 medium pan pizzas for 10 bucks. I was blinded by the deal. Now I have basically a whole pizza left. I know what I'm eating tonight. Speaking of eating tonight I have to workout tonight because I have a stupid meeting in the morning. So that means that the body part I work tonight I'll have to work again this weekend with that new stuff. So I can either work my back today and again this weekend or work my chest and work it again this weekend. If I work the chest that does mean more work on it, but a longer off period. I'll work on that. Anyway not much more planned for me. Just work and working out. Think I had a strange dream last night, but I don't remember it. So if you ever watched Full Metal Alchemist on Adult Swim then you know they only showed two of the four openings for the show. I still to this day don't know why. I think they were planning on just having one opening the whole series play, but at the last minute changed their mind. It's not like the first opening (Melissa) was a filthy opening. The worst thing it has is seeing a teenage girl get up from bed. Anyway this is the first opening that was never shown on Adult Swim, but they did have on the dvds if you bought them or rented them. Enjoy. Today's tip is inspiration strikes at a moments notice and can leave just as fast. It is like a hit an run driver.

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