Friday, March 26, 2010

Guess what I'm doing

No not that. I'm counting down the hours until I get to see a real life fight. Got some free tickets because I agreed to put up a fight poster. Yay free tickets. Last night I saw the movie The wait it's The Invisible. Anyway that movie did not turn out like I thought it would. I remember watching the trailers and they made it sound like he had to find out who killed him and why. Also a big scene they played up in the trailer. The scene where he talks to that old guy in the hospital. It was a deleted scene for some reason. I mean the movie was only 102 minutes. A lot of the scenes they left off really didn't need to be left off. I guess they felt it wasn't needed, but like I said if you watch the movie then watch the deleted scene there are a few times when you'll say OH that's why that happened. Other scenes were just well longer scenes and some could have been in or out of the movie. Which reminds me I had a huge shipment come in. I was at the main store and that meant that I of course got the SUPER AMOUNT OF SHIPMENTS that we were suppose to get. So I was having a lot of fun with that. Thought I had a terrible day with sales, but it was actually a pretty good day sale wise. Anyway yeah been a fun day. Which reminds me the Jesse James thing. What is with that guy. Apparently this affair wasn't the first and only. Apparently everytime Sandra is away he posts an online ad looking for tattooed biker chicks with big boobs. Describes Bullock perfectly huh? I mean you look at those two and you have to wonder what the hell are they doing together. I know I'm not the only one that thought it. Just wonder what her friends said. I mean he's never really rubbed well with me. Whenever I see him on tv or in pictures I just say there is something off with that man. Now the whole world can see it and is weighing in. I mean even Betty White wants to kick his ass. So I was on youtube and I have an account there which I use to view my videos. They tend to keep that in mind and recommend videos for you to watch. One such video was the very one I uploaded. It shows all the digivolutions for the Data Squad season. It was an interesting season at first then just seemed like it went on too long. Got too complicated too, but they had the coolest evolutions. I think you'll like it if you like watching transformation sequences. The tip for today is you can never predict public opinion so just do what's right. That never changes.

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